Setting an Intention

For this challenge we will all do the same meditation.
Om Gan Ganapatye Namaha (Ganesh Mantra)
Try and do the meditation first thing in the morning
Chanting the Mantra will take about 8 minutes - plus a few minutes of silence.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 17 - Staying Motivated

One way to help stay motivated is small rewards and thinking about a treat at the end.  Here are some ideas:
-  beautiful CD of relaxing music
-  an inspiring book
- How about a candle or two?
- A new meditation cushion/mat or sheepskin rug
- Going for tea or chai with a friend
- Trying some new tea - great tea shop on 4th avenue
- Going to Van Dusan Gardens to see the Christmas Lights
- Going for a manicure or pedicure
- Maybe a Massage!
What else can we add to this list?  Also Cathy was wondering about events that are being held on Winter Solstice - Tuesday.  Does anyone know of any?


  1. Love your 40-day meditation challenge. I have started a class in Vipassana meditation thus it is all perfect timing. I find my times range from 8-15 minutes and I am practicing the Vipassana Loving Kindness meditation. Thanks hun for doing this!

  2. Trying this blog again. Would love to hear from others. Mediation going well as to time and ease.

  3. Thanks Faye - this time it worked! Raven, I hope we can hear a bit more about the Vipassana later!

  4. Good to hear about how meditation is going for others. One of my favorite chants is Ra Ma Da Sa. Did it every morning at sun rise for a year(missed a couple mornings). It was at a time when my son was struggling and I felt so helpless. Gave me something to do other than worry!! Guru Mukh said it was a healing meditation. At her workshop we chanted Ra Ma Da Sa in a group of about 100 + people. The energy in the room was palpable and so healing!. Thanks Marie! for posting that chant with the beautiful pictures.
    Had a sudden breakthrough this morning during meditation. It was a deep knowing of how I look outside myself for reasons for my behavoir and despondency. Tears of gratitude flooded my being! Then my brother-in-law called in complete despair--just discovered he had advanced bladder cancer. I was able to cry with him and offer support without any of my usual roles --nurse, sister, caretaker, advisor. Felt good to be purely human! So we reap the rewards of meditation with gratitude!!

  5. this is great! i love the motivations. I could add, when my mind is not cooperating i read something inspirational, a daily prayer or quote or simply open one of my favourite (kundalini) spiritual books and whatever it reads is my inspiration. From there my mind is usually soothed enough to begin...

  6. Thanks Simone, that is a great idea! I used to use Shakti Gawain's Daily Affirmation Book and had forgotten about it so that's a good reminder.
    Faye, that was beautiful, thanks for sharing. I'm so glad you could support your loved one and just be you. Yes the Ra Ma Da Sa is a healing mantra and my favourite too.
