Setting an Intention

For this challenge we will all do the same meditation.
Om Gan Ganapatye Namaha (Ganesh Mantra)
Try and do the meditation first thing in the morning
Chanting the Mantra will take about 8 minutes - plus a few minutes of silence.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 29 - Happy Halloween

What a beautiful day with the sun reflecting light on the amazing fall colours.  We tend to think of the colour Orange during this time as we enjoy seeing all the pumpkins and possibly carving them into faces.  Orange is associated with our second chakra, the element of water and our ability to tune into our own feelings and creativity.  It is also associated with fun and social activities so if you are feeling a bit blah it is time to boost up your Orange Energy.  Wear something Orange, watch a comedy, cook up something tasty, drink a cup of Orange Pekoe Tea, or include Sat Kriya with your Meditation practice.
While meditating perhaps you can contemplate what brings you joy in your life. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 27

I thought I would share a little story I told the Yoga Students last week in my Prosperity/Abundance Series.  The theme was setting your vibrational energy to your intention and goals as quite often these don't match up.
A young boy ran up to his grandfather.  "Grandfather, grandfather, tell me the secret of life!"
The old man's mouth wrinkled into a playful smile as he replied.  "my child, within every one of us, it's as if there were two wolves fighting.  One of the wolves is focused on protecting his territory, he is full of anger, criticism, and resentment.  He is fearful and controlling.  The other is focused on love, joy, and peace.  He is mischievous and full of adventure."
But grandfather," exclaimed the boy, his eyes wide with curiosity, 'which of the wolves is going to win?"  The old man replied, The one you feed."

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 26 - 2 weeks to go!

I've had to modify my Meditation this week as I caught a cold and needed to save my voice for teaching, even then it failed me a bit yesterday.  I was also feeling that this Meditation Challenge wasn't going so well this time as I hadn't heard from some of you and I mentioned this to a friend.  I was telling her that I don't like to send too many emails as everyone is so bombarded these days and I felt technically challenged not being able to offer a more efficient way for everyone to communicate.  So basically feeling sorry for myself!  However I was encouraged when she said that my last email inspired her to start meditating again and I also realized that just by talking about it I felt more connected.  Perhaps this was also showing me that I expect others to share and I wasn't sharing my feelings.  This is not the time to struggle on alone, it is the time to reach out and connect. (So now you are going to get lots of emails from me, ha ha)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 24 - Happy Diwali

As you meditate today you may wish to light a candle in celebration of Diwali which is an Indian Festival of Lights.  It honours the light that comes from Spirit and lives within all our hearts.  As you meditate honour your own inner light and feel an awareness of your own divinity.

"We meditate so our minds can be sharp and alert.  We chant mantras so that our souls can be ignited by candles.  We walk in light of the beauty'   Yogi Bhajan.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 20 - It's not too late to join!

Welcome to the 20th Day of the Meditation Challenge.  I have heard from some of you who are getting along fine with your Meditation.  For others you might be struggling and please reach out and ask for help if you need it.  It is not too late to join in as we still have 20 days before 11/11/11. 
Remember that there is only NOW!  When we come up with excuses like 'I'm too busy', I'll start later etc it is our ego trying to block us, as it wants to stay in charge and doesn't like it when we start working on ourselves.  Because then we start to re-connect to the heart and follow the voice of the soul, rather than the ego.  Often when we start a commitment like meditation or going to the gym, after a few days there will be all kinds of things come up to prevent us from our goal - be aware, work through this and don't give up, bring yourself back into the NOW and start again.

'The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.    Louise Hay

Day 20 - Inspiration

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 19 - Knitting as Meditation

I have recently taken up knitting again.  I thought I'd start with a scarf and I bought some yarn that has different textures and tones of red, and one ball makes one scarf so I don't have to worry about joining different colours.  It took me a while to get into the flow of the pattern and I had to concentrate at first.  Just like in Meditation it starts off challenging and as you do more it becomes easier.  Knitting itself is a Meditation as it lets you just be, while managing to co-ordinate the left and right brain.  As you knit each stitch and feel the rhythm and hear the clickity click of the needles,  the repetitive motion  brings you into a meditative state, soothing away your troubles and allowing the mind to break free of it`s usual patterns.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 16

Happiness is when what you think,
what you say,
what you do,
are in harmony.                        

   Mahatma Gandi

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 14 - Why Meditate at the same time?

 Meditation helps clear the subconscious of fears. As each fear comes up and we look upon it neutrally, the fear loses its power over us. We become more flexible and feel more free. Most fears were learned at a particular time of day. So these fears tend to occur most intensely at the time of day they were originally experienced. By meditating in the morning, we slowly attract the anxieties from all other parts of the day. Normally we react to anxieties on their time and conditions. In meditation, the effects of old fears come to us on our time and under our conditions. Since they come at the same time each day, it becomes easier and easier to deal with each one. Eventually the mind is cleared of the clouds of fear and begins to see the light and power of creative consciousness. Then the morning meditation clears out the daily worries and projections so no further long term subconscious fears can accumulate. Another reason for meditating at the same time is that it creates a habit or routine and this natural rhythm will help it get easier. Optimum time for meditation is between 4.00am - 6.30am. There is much prana - life force energy in these hours, fewer people are awake and busy, so the clutter and bustle of daily actitivites does not interfere with your practice. Next best time is early evening 4.00PM - 6.30PM and the next best time is when you can do it!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 13 - Misconceptions about Meditation

A common misconception is that meditation involves stopping the mind from thinking.  This isn't possible.  Our minds are designed to produce thoughts.  So in meditation, the trick is to simply allow our thoughts to exist, without attaching to them, and without reacting.  When we let go, there comes a point where the mind feels very quiet because we aren't reacting to our thoughts.  If you do react to your thoughts, don't react to your reaction - simply go back to the meditation.
Another misconception is that meditation is going to be blissful and we will get the aha moment.  For me I get my inspiration usually later, but meditating and clearing the mind gives me that inner peace that I need in order to be sensitive and to be more aware of my thoughts and actions.  Sometimes emotions can come up, we can feel angry or sad - it is important to acknowledge these feelings and then release them.

No one else can limit you.  If you want to limit yourself, you can.  Otherwise the entire resources of the Universe are yours to use.
              Yogi Bhajan

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 12 - Sat Narayan

Take a journey to India and enjoy Sat Narayan with Snatam Kaur and Guruganesha Singh .Sat Narayan Wahe Guru Har Narayan, Sat Nam means True Sustainer, Indescribable Wisdom Creative Sustainer, True Identity

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 10 - How are you Doing?

We are now 10 days in to the Challenge, that is one quarter done already.  How is it going for you?  Did you know that we are linked in with a Global Meditation taking place right now with 3700 people from 64 countries!  It is not too late to join.  How are you motivating yourself?  Sometimes it is good to do your meditation before your coffee or tea or some other treat - maybe chocolate and then you have the reward at the end.   Ticking it off your calender each day might help or you may be feeling such wonderful benefits you don't need motivating!!  If you are chanting, sing with your heart, if you are doing a breath meditation and your mind wanders, observe your thoughts and then come back to the breath, whatever meditation you are doing try to be present, but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't go so well.  Some days will be great and others a challenge, just like life. 
Time to check in and let us know how it is going.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 09 - Meditative Mind

Here is a series of Pranayam (Breathing) exercises that will take 17 minutes.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 08 - Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is of course a time of giving thanks, realizing what we are grateful for in our lives and celebrating with friends and family, enjoying the many colourful vegetables available.  I am grateful for the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and all of my teachers past and present.  When I was in Sri Lanka we visited an orphanage of girls between 7 and 19, many of whom were affected by the devastating Tsunami a few years ago.  During the flight over, I had noticed one of my travelling companions had a lot of luggage with her and she mentioned she had paid excess baggage charges and I was thinking to myself 'wow she's taking a lot of clothes for this trip.'
When we arrived at the Orphanage I realized she had one of these suitcases with her and was deeply touched when she opened it up and the entire contents were for the children.  It reminded me again not to judge others and  how my travelling companion in that moment was my teacher, and that we can all be teachers and we can all learn from each other.  After we met with the children and gave them what we had brought, the children sang for us and one of the older girls danced the most beautiful dance.  It was a very emotional experience and as we were leaving we had tears in our eyes.  These children had been through great tragedy and loss but still managed to smile, entertain us with poise and grace and I realized that they were also my teachers, and that we gained much more from visiting these children than the humble gifts we brought. 
Many blessings for a beautiful Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 07 - Why Meditate?

Meditating is becoming less of an option and more of a necessity as the energy and rapid changes on the planet intensify. We need to find that quiet space every day where we can just be, start to tune into our own intuition and re-connect with our heart. We also have to be able to face our day and our challenges and spending this time for ourselves gives us the ability to cope with our lives. This is especially so when our life seems overwhelming or when we are in conflict. Yogi Bhajan said that 'If you don't set up for the day, if you don't posture yourself, ready to engage the day, how are you going to keep up?". You may feel that nothing happens when you are Meditating, but by making a commitment to yourself and with consistency you will start to see many changes taking place in your life. That is why it is good to journal after your meditation each day - even if it's a couple of lines.

'Keep Up and you will be Kept Up'  Yogi Bhajan

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 05 - Loreena Mckennet & Alhambra

Loreena Mckennet & the magnificent Alhambra make a beautiful combination.  Enjoy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 03 - Eye Focus at Tip of the Nose

If you are doing the Wahe Guru Meditation here is a video to help with the eye focus at the tip of the nose.  This Drishti is also used in many other Kundalini Yoga Meditations so it is useful to watch. 
Click here for link

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 01 - You need to check in

Good morning, Please check in so we know who has started the challenge.  You can post a comment here or email me.
I completed the Global Sadhana and chanted to Snatam Kaur's version on the video.  However I found this version of Wahe Guru distracting as she sings some of it in high tone.  For me personally I prefer the more monitone version on the CD called Sa Re Sa Sa  by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa for the purpose of this meditation.  It can be downloaded at Spirit Voyage.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Meditation Challenge Starts tomorrow!

Are you ready?  Here is what you need to prepare TODAY!
1)  What meditation are you going to do?
2)  How many minutes - 3 min, 11 min or 15 min Global Sadhana
3)  Where are you going to meditate?  (Needs to be quiet and away from main areas in your house)
4)  What time are you going to meditate?  (First thing in the morning is best but what time suits you??
5)  Check to see if your name is on the right - if it's not, you need to register.