Setting an Intention

For this challenge we will all do the same meditation.
Om Gan Ganapatye Namaha (Ganesh Mantra)
Try and do the meditation first thing in the morning
Chanting the Mantra will take about 8 minutes - plus a few minutes of silence.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 13 - Misconceptions about Meditation

A common misconception is that meditation involves stopping the mind from thinking.  This isn't possible.  Our minds are designed to produce thoughts.  So in meditation, the trick is to simply allow our thoughts to exist, without attaching to them, and without reacting.  When we let go, there comes a point where the mind feels very quiet because we aren't reacting to our thoughts.  If you do react to your thoughts, don't react to your reaction - simply go back to the meditation.
Another misconception is that meditation is going to be blissful and we will get the aha moment.  For me I get my inspiration usually later, but meditating and clearing the mind gives me that inner peace that I need in order to be sensitive and to be more aware of my thoughts and actions.  Sometimes emotions can come up, we can feel angry or sad - it is important to acknowledge these feelings and then release them.

No one else can limit you.  If you want to limit yourself, you can.  Otherwise the entire resources of the Universe are yours to use.
              Yogi Bhajan

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