Setting an Intention

For this challenge we will all do the same meditation.
Om Gan Ganapatye Namaha (Ganesh Mantra)
Try and do the meditation first thing in the morning
Chanting the Mantra will take about 8 minutes - plus a few minutes of silence.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

What is a Mantra?

Man‘ means the mind, tra is the method, technique or tool to deliver or carry across, and the purpose of chanting mantra’s  is really to clean the window of the mind.   Mantra’s  have shades  of meaning, in that we don’t take the words literally, but the power of the mantra is in the sound vibration.   You will be guided to different mantras on your life journey, vibrational prayers/affirmations that connect you back to the heart.  Chanting them regularly allows our vibration to link and connect to the energy of the uni verse (one verse)  which is sound light and energy.    Click here for Meditation Challenge

'We are creating with every word we speak, and even with every word we think. When we chant a mantra we are choosing to invoke the positive power contained in those particular syllables. Whether it is for prosperity, peace of mind, increasing intuition, or any of the other multitude of possible benefits inherent in mantras, simply by chanting them we are setting vibrations into motion that shall have an effect. It doesn’t actually matter if we understand the meaning of the sounds or not.'
     The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa -

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ganesh Mantra Meditation

New Meditation Challenge starting Sept 07 2014!  It will be shorter this time - 14 days, and we will all do the same meditation, rather than our 40 day challenges when we get to pick our own.

I have chosen to meditate on the Ganesh Mantra.  We will be chanting Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha 108 times.   It is the mantra of new beginnings and  helps removes obstacles both within and without.  With this meditation we connect with the first chakra so when you make the choice to chant this mantra you are aligning yourself with moving forward in your life and getting things done.  Instead of making excuses to ourselves about what is not working, this mantra helps us focus on our goals rather than the challenges.  It is best done first thing in the morning and should take about 8 minutes, followed by a few minutes of silence.  You can download the music from Spirit Voyage or ITunes,  I like the version from Deva Premal's CD - Mantras for Precarious times, or you can use a Mala or click onto the You Tube video below.  I started this mantra at the beginning of summer and I can say it really propelled me forward.  Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.  Click here to Sign Up

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Vispassana Meditation

I recently spent a weekend at a Vispassana Meditation Retreat at UBC, hosted by the West Coast Dharma Society here in Vancouver. Vispassana is one of India’s most ancient forms of meditation, rediscovered by Buddha more than 2500 years ago. The word Vispassana means ‘to see things as they are’; it is a way of self transformation through self observation. This is a silent retreat with alternating sitting and walking meditations as well as a Dharma talk by the teacher. You can sit on a chair or take a cushion and sit on the floor. I think what I got most out of the weekend was the reminder of loving kindness to oneself and others, and the mindfulness of actions whether it is walking or eating, and again that being present with everyday activities. Walking in the Zen garden inspired me to come home and be creative in my own garden. Just to spend that time for myself was a treat and I didn’t have to go very far. The next Meditation weekend is in October, for more information click here.