Setting an Intention

For this challenge we will all do the same meditation.
Om Gan Ganapatye Namaha (Ganesh Mantra)
Try and do the meditation first thing in the morning
Chanting the Mantra will take about 8 minutes - plus a few minutes of silence.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 08 - Keeping UP

What to do if you have missed a day of your meditation? Don't give up! Start back as soon as possible. Don't miss the second day as the longer you leave it the harder it is to start again. Don't get angry with yourself, instead take a few minutes and determine what it was that prevented you from meditating that day? Did you procrastinate, are you getting bored with it, did you forget, what happened? Then determine what steps you need to get back on track. Observe with a neutral mind. Be nice to yourself!

'Keep Up and you will be kept up' Yogi Bhajan


  1. This morning was easy again and nice. Got over 7 minutes without thinking about it. Fired up the fireplace and it really created a special place.

  2. Beautiful - it's great to create a special place and I bet it was great to have the fire on when the snow was outside!
